Our Purpose, Philosophy, and Principles

  1. Promote and advocate for the principles and practices of psychosocial rehabilitation in Australia

  2. Educate mental health organisations and professionals (public, private, clinical, community-managed) about the benefits and application of psychosocial rehabilitation within recovery informed services

  3. Increase community awareness about the effectiveness of psychosocial rehabilitation in the recovery of people impacted by mental ill health

  4. Provide a forum clinicians interested in psychosocial rehabilitation

  5. Promote research in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation

  6. Act as a clearinghouse for resources, news and events relevant to the interest of members

WAPR Australia members believe there is a pressing need to re-position psychosocial rehabilitation as an essential knowledge base and set of technical skills within recovery-informed services. We want to get people more interested in psychosocial rehabilitation, and to see it as part of the core work of mental health services.

WAPR Australia is focused on how psychosocial rehabilitation can be strengthened and extended within clinical mental health services to better meet the rehabilitation needs of Australians with psychosocial disability, who currently do not access community-managed mental health services and are unlikely to access the NDIS. We are focused on opportunities to improve the Australian mental health system to enhance people’s access to, and uptake of, psychosocial rehabilitation.

WAPR Australia has been established to promote a regional focus on psychosocial rehabilitation.